Öneri Özeti
ID | 121 |
Author(s) | Author #1 Name: GÖKHAN DALKILIÇ Org: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü Country: Türkiye Email: dalkilic__at__cs.deu.edu.tr Author #2
Other Author(s) | |
Keywords | Simetrik şifreleme algoritması, şifreleme algoritması, bit tabanlı şifreleme |
Abstract | Symmetric algorithms is examined in two groups character wise systems and bit wise systems. Clarified encryption algorithm is implemented base on bit wise encryption algorithms. In this article, firstly some explanations are given about bit wise algorithms, and some examples are given about the algorithms in this category. Following the algorithm used in project is expounded in details. Via the same key encryption and decryption can be done in this algorithm that uses symmetric key. Algorithm is improved on Feistel structure, some of used techniques are encryption with XOR operator, substitution box, expansion box, and some operators used for bit operations. It is proved that, algorithm works successfully with examples and one of these algorithms is presented in this article. |
Topics | • Kriptoloji ve e-imza |
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Paper | 121.doc (186KB) |