Akademik Bilisim 2008

Öneri Özeti

TitleDeveloping Electronic Portfolios in a Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Environment: A Case Study with Pre-Service ELT Teachers
Author(s)Author #1
Name: Hamdi Erkunt
Org: Boğaziçi Üniversity
Country: Turkey
Email: erkunt__at__boun.edu.tr

Author #2
Name: Gülcan Çetiner
Org: Boğaziçi Üniversity
Country: Turkey
Email: gulcaner__at__boun.edu.tr

Author #3
Name: Senem Yildiz
Org: Boğaziçi Üniversity
Country: Turkey
Email: senem.yildiz__at__boun.edu.tr

Other Author(s)
Keywordsknowledge building, electronic portfolio, collaboration, conceptual understanding
AbstractDeveloping Electronic Portfolios in a Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Environment: A Case Study with Pre-Service ELT Teachers

This study investigates the effects of developing electronic portfolios on conceptual understanding and knowledge building. The portfolios were developed in a second generation Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) environment called Knowledge Forum, which provides an asynchronous networked environment. Knowledge forum is distinguished from other learning management systems with its promotion of processes such as “defining problems and hypothesizing, researching and collecting information, analyzing and collaborating” (http://www.knowledgeforum.com/Kforum/inAction.htm ).

Forty seven college level senior pre-service EFL teachers enrolled in an ELT materials development course were randomly divided into two groups of 23 and 24 respectively. Using Knowledge Forum, both groups worked on three problems of understanding regarding development of ELT course materials for a semester. At the end of the 12 week semester, the participants were asked to prepare electronic portfolios containing their selection of best student contributions to the Forum. Although both groups used Knowledge Forum to develop their electronic portfolios, only one was provided with a set of knowledge building principles for guiding their selection and explanation of contributions. Portfolios were scored for explanation and evidence of knowledge building. Moreover, both groups were given a paper based essay in order to assess their conceptual understanding of the problems they worked on. The essays were evaluated for conceptual understanding. The results indicated that the groups differed significantly in their portfolio scores, but not in their conceptual understanding scores. In other words, providing the students with principles in their selection of portfolio entries had an impact on the quality of portfolios.

This study partially replicates another CSCL research (Lee, Chan and Aalst, 2006) which devised and tested electronic portfolios as a means to characterize and foster knowledge building with high school students with the key design factor of turning over the epistemic agency to students. They found significant differences both in portfolio scores and conceptual understanding between the groups which prepared electronic portfolios with and without knowledge building principles, which were provided at the beginning of the semester with the intention of helping portfolios to become a means for aligning learning, collaboration and assessment in computer forums. Thus, the findings of both studies demonstrate the role of the knowledge building principles in guiding and scaffolding student selection of best notes and their explanations.

It is concluded that electronic portfolios guided with knowledge building principles may provide to be a useful tool for aligning assessment and learning in collaborative networked environments, even as a part of more traditional course structures. Turning over the epistemic agency to students in collaborative environments requires characterizing and fostering the endeavor because students do not just collaborate when required.

assessing their own collaborative knowledge building. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 1, 277-307.
Topics• e-ogrenme
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Paper 27.pdf (104KB)


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