Akademik Bilisim 2008

Öneri Özeti

Author(s)Author #1
Name: zeydin PALA
Org: Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi
Country: Turkey
Email: zpala__at__hotmail.com

Other Author(s)
KeywordsRFID, Automation, e-Exam, e-Check-in
AbstractBy this work, a solution has been provided for the e-exam system of an educational foundation. As for materials used; the RFID readers that are the main components of this technology, RFID labels, laptops and a software have been utilized.
The objectives of the software are the automatic operation, control and reporting of e-exam classrooms. By the RFID readers and labels utilized on the hardware part, the check-in and check-outs of the exam rooms were controlled. Thus, as an alternative to the traditional exam systems, an online-operable-controllable-and-reportable e-exam application was developed.
During the operation of the application, necessary precautions have been taken by the software to prevent students from entering and looking for a space in exam rooms in case of a room’s being in full capacity and also prevent time loss.
Since all the processes will be held through internet, assessments will take a very short time. Especially assessment of classes with nearly full capacity will gain a lot from this system. There will be an exam system of justice and without objections from students. With this system, more questions could be asked on a single topic, and a more in depth teaching and learning of subjects will be possible. internet and keep on studying in no time. With the central management system, exam results could be exposed to various statistics and assessed accordingly. The check-in and check-outs of students will be easily performed with the RFID-reader-enabled doors.
Topics• Yeni Teknolojiler
• e-ogrenme
• Veri Tabani ve Yonetimi
Paper 33.doc (215KB)


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