Akademik Bilisim 2008

Öneri Özeti

TitleMobil Turist
Author(s)Author #1
Name: taner gürel
Org: Ege Üniversitesi
Country: Türkiye
Email: tanergurel__at__gmail.com

Author #2
Name: özlem karagedik
Org: Ege Üniversitesi
Country: Türkiye
Email: ozlemkaragedik__at__gmail.com

Author #3
Name: gözde toker
Org: Ege Üniversitesi
Country: Türkiye
Email: gozdetoker__at__gmail.com

Author #4
Name: ata önal
Org: Ege Üniversitesi
Country: Türkiye
Email: ata.onal__at__ege.edu.tr

Other Author(s)
KeywordsMobil Teknolojiler,GPS,GPRS, JSR179
AbstractAs the usage of Mobile Devices are increasing the expectations of the users are growing too.In this project we set a new application which shows the users the information about the building, they are near ,and the detailed information about building and also the map of that within neighbourhood.Today there exists an application which points the location of the users.For example these systems show the name of the region on the mobilephone.The most important difference that isolates this study from todays applications is that;instead of pointing the region it points the building which we are near,the scalability of the system as adding new locations and showing the location on the map.
Topics• Mobil Aglar ve Uygulamalar
Paper 92.doc (974KB)


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